Here, we've gathered and answered some common questions about Web3MQ Snap. If you encounter any issues while using it, we hope this page can be of help.

Q1: How do I log into Web3MQ Snap? What should I do if I can't connect?

First, you need to download and install Metamask Flask. If you can't connect successfully, try disabling your existing Metamask plugin first. If the Web3MQ Snap page does not detect a wallet connection, it will redirect to the connection page.

Q2: How do I follow and receive messages from a specific wallet address?

Click on the search bar under "Chats" (where "Wallet" is displayed on the left), and enter the other party's wallet address. After searching, click "Follow". Once the status changes to "Friend", you can send messages to each other.

Q3: Why can't I receive messages from the other party?

You may need to manually click "Pull the latest status" and "Pull messages" to receive messages from the other party promptly.

Q4: Can I change my profile, such as my avatar, username, etc.?